Welcome to the official page of the "Contact. Wait out." sketch series. Zeitgeist of the British Army.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Contact. Wait out. #42. Hired Help.

Contact. Wait out. #42. Hired Help.

Everybody needs a little extra cash nowadays and there are many places that reservists and ex-soldiers can turn to. Not to mention any names but there is one such company that provides demo troops to the army. The work is vital in today's economic climate, and the training that the company provides is world class, but they do attract some of the more creative people that the military has employed in the past.

If you don't know what a Walt is, it is a reference to the guy who made up fantastic stories about his life. In the British military it is a guy, or girl, who claims to have done more than he ever did and sometimes even has the brass to wear medals that he was never entitled to. These are the lowest forms of life, if they are actually civilians, and if they're military in any way, they're the lowest form of life there too.

These douche bags will always Walt about being S.A.S. or Parachute Regiment and will make up amazing war stories that they'll tell anyone that'll listen. The trouble is that there are plenty of people that can see through their lies. You have to wonder why these morons do what they do but they continue to do it.

Monday 13 July 2015

Contact. Wait out. #41. USA, USA, USA!

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Contact. Wait out. #41. USA, USA, USA!

The media and movie world in the United States have given us all an inflated image of the average American serviceman. We expect the Marine Corps, the Army, even the Air Force to be square jawed, gun toting, tobacco chewing, extroverts. The stereotype can't accurately describe all of them but stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.

I went to a big function a couple of years ago and the C.O. from Mildenhall was there. I got chatting to him, and because I'm a cheeky mofo, I asked him when the British people would get the Mildenhall Air Show back. He replied, "You will get the Airshow back when we all come together and defeat international terrorism Sonny." and he beamed with his pearly whites. The guy was larger than life and so I obviously found him hilarious.

Most of the Americans that I've met have been normal, grounded, cynical guys just like me. We all get on with our jobs but we have a very pragmatic approach to the BS that comes with it. I like seeing how these normal guys look at their louder counterparts. There was a National Guard NCO that I worked with one. He'd flown over with an officer, and when I asked him about the officer, he said that he had no idea who he was. He said that the guy was an asshole and he'd pretty much ignored him from the get go. He was right, the guy was a dick.

Friday 10 July 2015

Contact. Wait out. #40. The Ally Checklist.

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Contact. Wait out. #40. The Ally Checklist.

Let's poke fun at those folks cutting about that think they're ally as fook. If you don't now what ally means, think of the coolest, most together soldier in your platoon or squadron. Is there a guy or girl who seems to fly through everything and never get a spot of shit on them? Do they seem to look better than everyone else, even though they're supposed to be in the same uniform? They're ally. Being ally just happens over time and it can not be faked. Today's strip aims to give some tips on how to look ally but if you're not legit', you're going to look like a chopper.

Seriously, what a load of bollocks. The phrase is just a phrase and it will be superseded by another in due course. If your peers think you deserve the moniker then happy days but if you go chasing it you're going to fail. Just do your job, get face time where possible, and try not to get into trouble.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Contact. Wait out. #39. Preconceived expectaions.

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Contact. Wait out. #39. Preconceived expectaions.

Sorry for the long delay in getting the latest strip out. It is the silly season for recruiting and I've been out and about banging the drum. There are events galore in the summer and I've been trying to fit family time in with work time. Actually, you guys don't want to hear my excuses. Let's just say I've been a bit Jack in getting the comic done. Apologies.

Anyway, you can rest assured that the British Army, both regular and reserve, is going to get the man power boost they deserve because I'm on the case. Here's the one picture I managed to get from the Royal Norfolk Show. It isn't even my battalion's trailer.